Created on 2 May, 2022 • 3,032 views • 1 minutes read
The Three Key Principles Of Ethical Social Proof
Our Ethical Guidelines are based on three key principles, that we expect all our users to follow. We reserve the right to remove and refund any user who displays fake content, collects Social Proof in an underhand way or presents it in a misleading context.
1. Honesty 2 .Transparency 3 . Fairness
Social Proof: Ethical Guidelines
We want our customers to succeed, and we also want our customers’ customers to make good choices. That’s why we take any reports of unethical Nudging seriously. Here are some simple guidelines to show the difference between great marketing and things we consider unethical.
· Don’t use fake content such as artificial sales or reviews from internal sources. That includes outdated reviews and Social Proof relating to a product you no longer offer
· Don’t offer incentives or discounts to customers in exchange for a better review or rating
· Create a transparent feedback process, so that your users know exactly what they are being asked to rate or review
· Never use Social Proof to legitimate an illegitimate business – for example, by promoting illegal purchases
· Never use Social Proof in order to create anxiety or encourage an unwise purchase – especially during a time of crisis
· Use SocioProof to sell more great products to people who will enjoy them. Ethical Social Proof is the most powerful way to fast-track your word-of-mouth
· Never use Social Proof to target vulnerable or impressionable consumers
We evaluate each use of SocioProof on its own merits, and these guidelines are only intended to give a sense of what we consider unethical. For a full list of the rules and expectations associated with using SocioProof , see our Terms and Conditions. To find out how to spot and prevent fake Social Proof, see our Guide to Social Proof 2022.
For more details, including how to know if your account has been removed, see our documentation entries on using SocioProof .